Chris Ogle

One of lifes participants… I am not a spectator… based in Watford (which is ideally located for getting about)… I am a father, grandfather and some would say… selfish… because in the main I just do the things that I am interested in these days...
I am working on a project that has evolved from the time I have spent with Link4Growth. This is called Journey to Yourself (J2Y). A simple framework and resource set which people can work through at their leisure... it might take 10 years though as it did me. No charges or costs... website coming soon....
I am also part of an organisation called HR (Health Reader) that is providing medical diagnostic testing equipment to local pharmacies, health & wellness centres and health practitioners... testing is being transferred into the community away from hospitals and this venture has been designed to serve this emerging and growing sector,
I love cooking, love learning about nutrition and how we can perform at our very best… those that depend on us would want that, and we owe it to them to deliver (IMO) … I love sport too… Table Tennis is my passion and I have played since I was 9 years old and still represent Hertfordshire at county level today… and am chairman of the Watford Table Tennis league…
I am not on Social Media as much as I used to be, but I still have profiles on many of them.
I follow my passions, have given up working, and spend my time having fun with great people…
I love change, and there is plenty of that about at the moment, what will brexit, the pandemic and all the changes afoot in the finance and legal sectors we'll be busy for the next 20 years!
My ambition? To have served my purpose for having been born to this planet… and to have not let down the people who know me by falling short of what I am able to do!