Benefits of membership

Expand your personal connections nationally with access to any Link4Business event

Increase your visibility with a full page profile on the Link4Business members page

Develop your professional connections through our LinkedIn private support and collaboration group

Access to the “Link4Business members” private Facebook community where you can build relationships with others in the Link4Business family

Accelerate personal and business growth by tapping into FREE Peer-2-Peer mastermind mentoring groups as part of your membership

Become a contributor to the Link4Business Blog and let us help you to raise your profile to a wider audience

Automatic enrollment as a ‘Friend of Link4Growth‘ and begin your journey to becoming a part owner Associate (after 14 months)

Access to the “Friends’s of Link4Growth” private Facebook community where you can build relationships with others in the Link4Growth family

Utilise the Link4Growth Marketplace to share your expertise, experience and products